Well, I've given the subject of this one away in the header. Did you know that there is a production of
A Klingon Christmas Carol going on right now in Chicago? My understanding from Wikipedia was that Klingons are very warlike, but in person they were all quite nice. For an inside peek, watch the video below. Learn more about Commedia Beauregard, the theater company behind this show,
In the scene with Scrooge onstage (where he is startled by one of the ghosts) I assume the startler is the Ghost of Christmas Past, as he is bedecked and foreheaded (i.e. lacking the ridges) as a Klingon from the original series of Star Trek. It'd be ever so clever if that was the case.
ReplyDeleteAlso: I'll let myself out now.
You are correct! You win! I'm not sure what you win...